Flushing High School Home

School News & Updates

  • 1875 Founded in 1875; Generations of Success
  • 86% Four Year Graduation Rate
  • 16:1 Student-Teacher Ratio
  • TBD Sports Victories

Our Mission

Flushing High School's mission is to instill within its students the academic, social and emotional skills required to be successful in college and careers. Our mission compels all members of our teaching and learning community to engage students in rigorous collaborative work with peers, enable revision and mastery, as well as to cultivate a sense of student self-efficacy.
Exterior of school building

Instructional Focus

We enable students to develop knowledge and skills related to a concept, problem, or issue and support their construction of meaning using our school-wide protocols, so our students will have a comprehensive, rigorous and coherent instructional program.

Our History

Flushing High School, which was founded in 1875, is the oldest public school in the city. Feeling that the time had come for the town of Flushing to have its own high school, the Flushing Board of Education appropriated the necessary funds.

In 1841, the boundaries of School District No. 5 in the town of Flushing was determined by the citizen's commissioners. Two years later a board of trustees selected the corner of Garden and Church streets, where a school house was built.

In 1848, the Board of Education was organized. The introductory statement to the rules of the board was: "Obedience to the laws of the school lays a sure foundation of obedience to the laws of the country." An example of the laws was: "The pupils are required to clean their shoes, and go in and out with as little noise as possible. Running, loud talking scuffling, whistling, and so forth are at all times prohibited."

Flushing grew rapidly and soon the number of school children overcrowded the school. At a meeting in 1873, the people decided upon the building of another school. A short time after this, the plot of land on the corner of Sanford Avenue and Union Street was purchased. Imagine how it looked. Think of square edifice, the extreme western end of the present structure, set off by itself and surrounded by green lawns and shady trees.

The school, at first consisted of only a grammar department, but shortly after was recognized by the Board of Regents and its organization was completed. It was the pioneer in it's field, and the only public high school within the limits of the Greater New York recognized by the board for eighteen years.

By, 1891, more room was needed and the present structure was built. In 1899 there were only six graduates with a faculty of seven. Over the years, the school has won a reputation and a place of honor in the borough, the city, and state.