Instructional Support Services » Instructional Support Services

Instructional Support Services

Welcome to ISS! 

Hi, I'm AP Booker! As the assistant principal of the Instructional Support Services department at Flushing High School, it is my sincere pleasure and honor to serve our students with special needs and their families. In collaboration with our dedicated teachers, paraprofessionals, and related service providers, ISS provides an educational program designed to support your child in achieving the best educational program for them. We offer self-contained, integrated co-teaching (ICT) and special education teacher support services (SETSS) programming throughout our academic programming. We strive to provide as many opportunities for your students as possible which is why we offer related services, tutoring with special education teachers, internship opportunities, access to Career and Technical programs, co-taught AP courses, summer enrichment, and partnerships with community-based organizations. I look forward to welcoming your student to our community. 

- Sincerely, Cherina Booker, AP of ISS

Our Program

The mission of the Instructional Support Services department is to provide students, regardless of ability, with the appropriate supports and structures needed for them to succeed and successfully transition from high school to adulthood. All students with special needs are provided with specially designed instruction (SDI) delivered with the support of an Instructional Support Service teacher. Specially designed instruction, as described in the student’s Individualized Education Plan, supports students in accessing the general education curriculum in the least restrictive environment. Students in self-contained classes will receive instruction that parallels that which is offered in the general education program.  Students in an Integrated Co-teaching (ICT) classroom will receive direct instruction in general education classes with the support of an Instructional Support Service Teacher.  Students also receive a range of related services to support their academic & social-emotional progress as recommended by the IEP, including Speech, Counseling, Hearing, Occupational Therapy, Physical therapy, vision services, and more.

The School Assessment Team (SAT) conducts evaluations for all students who are referred for Special Education services.  The team also conducts evaluations on a regular basis for students who are currently receiving support services.  These evaluations are conducted as part of a Triennial Process (every three years) or on an as-need basis.  The members of the team include but are not limited to the school Psychologist, Social Worker, and the family clerical worker.

Section 504

Dear Parent or Guardian:
Your child may be eligible to receive health services or accommodation in school under Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act. These services are for students with special health needs to support them to fully participate in school. For example, a student with a medical condition may be given medicine in school. Students who have trouble seeing or hearing can be seated closer to the front. 
How to find out if your child qualifies for services or accommodations:
Please contact one of the below people:
After you apply, the school will review the request for services. The 504 team will invite you to a meeting to discuss your child's needs. At the meeting, the Team will decide if your child will receive any services or accommodations. You will be informed of the decision within 30 days.
Click on the document below for a 504 FAQ and the forms needed for a 504. If you have any questions, please reach out. 
AP Booker
504 Coordinator
Resources are in this google folder and the whole folder should be linked.

Resources for Transition

Please visit the link below to access all the resources for transition:


Cherina Booker - Wilson, AP, ISS

Veronica Acosta, Teacher, Special Education

Teyona Bolar, Teacher, Special Education

Carolyn Constantino, Teacher, Special Education

Guadalupe Flores, Teacher, Special Education

Jordan Friedlander, Teacher, Special Education

Felicia Gallagher, Teacher, Special Education

Marlene Garcia, Teacher, Special Education

Keisha Keith, Teacher, Special Education

Jeanette Mabry, Teacher, Special Education

Anthony Miele, Teacher, Special Education

Victor Monderin, Teacher, Special Education

Brian Narangjo, Teacher, Special Education

Giovanni Ortiz,Teacher, Special Education

Denise Rose,Teacher, Special Education

Lellani Santos, Teacher, Special Education

Andrew Weisner, Teacher, Special Education

William Whitmore, Teacher, Special Education

Jun Wu, Teacher, Special Education

School Assessment Team

Alicia Bridgraj, Social Worker

Lauren Cover, School Psychologist

Joycelyn Richards, Family Worker

Brendaliz Vargas, Bilingual School Psychologist


Tristie Budhram, Para

Anaella Campana, Para

Ralinda Dimps, Para

Clara Ovalles, Para

Elia Colarusso, Para

Kamrie Hamilton, Para

Lourdes Sobrino, Para

Jinping Yang, Para

Support Available