Social Studies » Social Studies

Social Studies

Welcome to FHS Social Studies

At Flushing High School. the Social Studies Department seeks to build the Historical Thinking Skills of our students that will allow them to be active and engaged participants of US Democracy. We do this by exposing students to challenging, culturally relevant, and rigorous texts and high-level concepts. We then work with them to support their acquisition of those skills and content. We have a Growth Mindset with our students and always look to challenge them and help them grow academically. Additionally, we have a Law Program that allows students to learn and practice the skills needed to pursue a degree within the field of Legal Studies including careers as a Lawyer or Judge. 
Our Course Sequence can be found below

Regular Course Sequence

Global History I (9th Grade)
Global History II (10th Grade)
US History (11th Grade)
Government and Economics (12th Grade)

AP Courses Offered

AP Human Geography
AP Word History 
AP US History
AP Government and Politics


Social Justice
Law Academy Courses

Course Curriculums


Alejandro Sosa, AP, Social Studies

Xavier Campoverde, Teacher, Social Studies

Roxanna Escamilla, Teacher, Social Studies

Nelson Estrada, Teacher, Social Studies

Tessa Frank, Teacher, Social Studies

Terrence Gibbs, Teacher, Social Studies

Keith Gitlitz, Teacher, Social Studies

Monika Jankowski, Teacher, Social Studies

Robin Loesch, Teacher, Social Studies

Joseph Marotta, Teacher, Social Studies

Alessandra Norman, Teacher, Social Studies

Melissa Pezzino, Social Studies Teacher

John Ronzino, Teacher, Social Studies

Cansu Yalcin, Teacher, Social Studies